At a Glance
Summer Pilgrimages
St. Sergius & Herman
of Valaam July 9-11, 2005
St. Herman of Alaska
August 7-9, 2005
Alaskan Feastdays
St. Herman
Wonder-worker of Alaska
Aug. 9 / Dec. 26, 2005
Feast of All-Saints of Alaska September 24, 2005
St. Innocent
Apostle to America
Oct. 6 / April 13, 2005
St. Yakov
Enlightener of the Native
Peoples of Alaska
Oct. 16 / Aug. 8, 2005
Why are two dates listed?
The first date refers to the
Saint's glorification and
the second date refers
to the Saint's repose.
Questions or comments
about this website?
Latest Update: Friday, December 24, 2004
Published with the blessing of
His Grace The Right Reverend NIKOLAI, Bishop of Sitka, Anchorage & Alaska
©2003 Russian Orthodox Diocese of Alaska
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